Pinafore Press is proud to work with both regional and national publishers on producing illustrated trade books. Our client list includes Rizzoli Universe, Monacelli Press, Chronicle Press, Ten Speed Press, St. Martin’s Press, Clarkson Potter, Simon & Schuster, Andrews McMeel Publishing, Skyhorse Books, Sourcebooks, Pelican Publishing, NewSouth Books, Candlewick Press, Clarion Books, Peachtree Publishing, Star Bright Books, Lerner/CarolRhoda, Trinity Press, and University of Georgia Press.
A Yellow Watermelon, Ted M. Dunagan, (NewSouth, 2007)
What’s in the Toybox (Star Bright Books, 2008)
Succeeding with LD, (Star Bright Books, 2008)
Savannah Classic Desserts, Shay, (Pelican Publishing, 2008)
Charleston Classic Desserts, Shay (Pelican Publishing, 2008)
Manners That Sell, Lydia Ramsey, (Pelican Publishing, Fall 2008)
Texas Public Gardens, Elvin McDonald, (Pelican Publishing, Fall 2008)
Owens Thomas House Museum, Tania Sammon, (Telfair Books, 2009)
Dallas Classic Desserts, Helen Thompson, (Pelican Publishing, Spring 2009)
Atlanta Classic Desserts, Krista Reese, (Pelican Publishing, Spring 2009)
St. Patrick’s Day in Savannah, Shay, (Pelican Publishing, Spring 2009)
Mary Mac’s Tea Room, ghostwritten by Shay, (Andrews McMeel, 2009)
Comfort Living, Eisner, (Eisner Books, 2009)
Thirty Things I want my Boys to Learn from Baseball, (Pelican Publishing, 2009)
George Hawkins Space Camper, (BISMIL Press, 2009)
Atlanta’s Best Dishes, Krista Reese, (Gibbs Smith Publishing, Spring 2010)
Paula Deen’s Savannah Style, ghostwritten by Janice Shay (Simon & Schuster, Spring 2010)
Ruth and The Green Book, Calvin Ramsey and Gwen Strauss, (Lerner CarolRhoda, 2010)
George Hawkins Space Camper, Second Rotation (BISMIL Press, 2010)
The Story of Silver in Savannah, Tania Sammon, (Telfair Books, 2010)
The Last Queen of the Gypsies, (NewSouth, 2010)
Savannah Classic Seafood, Janice Shay, (Pelican Publishing, 2010)
The Big Texas Steakhouse Cookbook, Helen Thompson and Shay, (Pelican Publishing, 2011)
The Art of Kahlil Gibran, Tania Sammon, (Telfair Books, 2011)
Savannah Celebrations, (Pelican Publishing, 2011)
The Southern Frontier: Landscaptes Inspired by Bartram’s Travels, Philip Juras, (Telfair Books, 2011)
The Whole Hog Cookbook, Libbie Summers, (Rizzoli Universe, 2011)
San Antonio Classic Desserts, Helen Thompson, (Pelican Publishing, 2011)
Sweet Auburn Desserts, Sonya Jones, (Pelican Publishing, 2011)
The Artful Table, various authors, (Telfair Books, 2011)
George Hawkins Space Camper, Third Rotation (BISMIL Press, 2011)
Trouble on the Tombigbee, Ted M. Dunagan, (NewSouth, 2011)
Belle, The Last Mule at Gees Bend, Calvin Ramsey, (Candlewick, Fall 2011)
Jingle Bells, John Harris, (Peachtree Publishing, 2011)
Mrs. Wilkes’ Famous Recipes, Marcia Thompson, (Wilkes, 2011)
A is for Alliguitar, Nancy Raines Day, (Pelican Publishing, 2012)
Dishing Up Hope, Martha Nesbit and Hope Shearhouses, (Mission on the Move, 2012)
Smoke: New Firewood Cooking, Tim Byres, (Rizzoli, 2012)
The Mansion on Turtle Creek Cookbook, Helen Thopmson, (Rizzoli Universe, 2012)
Vintage Wedding Style, Elizabeth Demos, (Chronicle, fall 2012)
Mr. Dickey’s Barbecue Cookbook, Roland Dickey, (Pelican, 2012)
Walking Tours of Old Savannah, Stramm and Shay, (Pelican, 2013)
Reporting the Revolutionary War, Todd Andrlik, (Sourcebooks, 2013)
The United States of Mestizo, Ilan Stavans, (NewSouth Books, 2013)
Golemito, Ilan Stavans, (New South Books, 2013)
Picture Perfect Parties, Annette Joseph (Rizzoli, 2013)
A Gullah Psalm, Estella Saussy Nussbaum & Jeanne Saussy Wright, (LP Books, 2013)
The Johnnny Harris Restaurant Cookbook, Julie Lowenthal, (Pelican, 2014)
Sweet & Vicious: Baking with Attitude, Libbie Summers (Rizzoli, 2014)
Way Down Below Deep, Nancy Raines Day, (Pelican, fall 2014)
Matzo Frogs, Sally Rosenthal, (NewSouth Books, 2014)
Field Peas to Foie Gras: Southern Recipes with a French Accent, Jennifer Booker, (Pelican, fall 2014)
The Salvation of Miss Lucretia, Ted M. Dunagan, (NewSouth Books, 2014)
Hill Country Houses, Cyndy Severson, (Monacelli, fall 2014)
Draw What You See: The Life and Art of Benny Andrews, Kathleen Benson (Clarion, 2015)
Hail of Fire Randy Fritz (Trinity Press, 2015)
The Whole Enchilada, Angela Lopez (Pelican Publishing, 2015)
The Bee Cottage Story, Frances Schultz (Skyhorse Books, 2015)
Enchiladas: Aztec to Tex Mex (Trinity Press, fall 2015)
An Enduring Legacy: St. Vincent’s Academy, SVA (independently published, fall 2015)
The Wild Treasury of Nature: A Portrait of Little St. Simon’s, Philip Juras (UGA Press 2015)
Momma’s Beautiful Daughter, Lorraine Haddock (independently published, Spring 2016)
La Americana, Melanie Simon (Skyhorse, June 2016)
Field to Table Cookbook, Susan Ebert (Welcome Books, March 2016
Go South to Freedom, Frye Gaillard (NewSouth Books, Fall 2016)
The Last Stop: Vanishing Rest Stops of the American Roadside (Powerhouse Books, 2016)
Dinner Deja Vu, Jennifer Booker (Pelican 2017)
Geoffrey Humphries: Paintings and Drawings from the Venice Studio (SCALA, 2018)
The Hiding Game, Gwen Strauss (Pelican, 2017)
Chocolate Alchemy, Kristen Hard (Rizzoli, Fall 2017)
Cool Smoke: The Art of Barbecue, Tuffy Stone (St. Martin’s Press, 2018)
Cocktail Italiano: Cocktails of the Italian Riviera, Annette Joseph (Skyhorse, 2018)
The View From Here, Lynne (NewSouth, 2018)
The Andrew Low House, Tania Sammons (UGA Press, 2018)
A Red Door, Kathryn Jarvis (Black Rose, 2020)
Welcome to the Buttermilk Kitchen, Suzanne Vizethann (Gibbs-Smith, 2020)
Italy Is My Boyfriend, Annette Joseph (Post Hill Press, 2020)
Chez Marc's Quarantine Cookbook, Marc Pollack (Self-Published, 2020)
The Andrew Low House, Tania Sammons (UGA Press, 2018)
The Twisted Soul Cookbook, Deborah VanTrece (Rizzoli, Spring 2021)
Picturing the Prairie: A Vision of Restoration, Philip Juras (Little Bluestem Press, 2021)
My Italian Guestbook, Annette Joseph (Post Hill Press, 2022)
At the Table of La Fortezza, Annette Joseph (Rizzoli, 2022)
Making It Home, Mark Giuliano (Black Rose Writing)
The Art of William O. Golding, Harry DeLorme (Telfair Books, 2022)
Brother Mambo: Finding Africa in the Amazon, J.D. Lenoir (Black Rose Creative, 2022)
Italy On A Plate - Vietri, Susan Gravely (Self-Published, 2023)
Behind the Kitchen Door, Emmanuel LaRoche (Morgan James, 2023)
Midwestern Food: Chef's Guie to the Surprising History of a Great American Cuisine, Paul Fehribach (U Chicago Press, 2023)
Egg Rolls & Sweet Tea, Natalie Keng (Gibbs Smith Publishing, 2023)
On the Fringe: Confessions of a Maverick Anthropologist, Edward C. Green (Black Rose Writing, 2023)
The Killer Menu, Annette Joseph (Self-Published, IngramSpark, 2023)
My Sweet Home Georgia Cookbook, Tara Rocker (Self-Published, 2023)
Getting Sauced: How I Learned Everything I Know About Food from Working in TV, Karen Katz (Morgan James, 2024)